1, Cardiff rd LLandaff Cardiff CF5 2DN
Home is where the heart is. And we help you find a place to feel at home. If you are buying in Cardiff, Llandaff Village with it's 2,000 year old Cathedral is THE BEST place to live - a CITY in it's own right, it is just 10 minutes by bus from Cardiff City Centre -- it is full of it's own shops, pubs and restaurants
Close to the village and very conveniently positioned for the cafés, bars and restaurants in the High Street and the Cathedral, this is a three bedroom end of terrace cottage with a forecourt frontage and an enclosed rear garden. The accommodation comprises a hall, lounge open to dining room and a good size kitchen on the ground floor, three bedrooms and a spacious bathroom on the first floor then an attic room approached via a pull-down ladder. *********PLEASE NOTE **** The property has no on site parking, - in common with most properties in Llandaff Conservation area, but parking is always available in Bridge Street,. The current occupiers of 17 years have never deemed parking a problem. Shopping drop offs they park outside the property for a few minutes before parking around the corner

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