1, Cardiff rd LLandaff Cardiff CF5 2DN
Home is where the heart is. And we help you find a place to feel at home. If you are buying in Cardiff, Llandaff Village with it's 2,000 year old Cathedral is THE BEST place to live - a CITY in it's own right, it is just 10 minutes by bus from Cardiff City Centre -- it is full of it's own shops, pubs and restaurants

​Featured property:​ £209,950
The Home -

Where dreams come home​
Simply ' google LLandaff Village to find out more about the area for yourself !


Close to llANDAFF village and very conveniently positioned for the cafés, bars and restaurants in the High Street and the Cathedral, this is a three bedroom end of terrace cottage with a forecourt frontage and an enclosed rear garden. The accommodation comprises a hall, lounge open to dining room and a good size kitchen on the ground floor, three bedrooms and a spacious bathroom on the first floor then an attic room approached via a pull-down ladder. *********PLEASE NOTE **** The property has no on site parking, - in common with most properties in Llandaff Conservation area, but parking is alway available in Bridge Street,. The current occupiers of 17 years have never deemed parking a problem.

For Sale
03. LOFT
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